Game 2 player (60 minutes): 11.900.- HUF
Game 3 player (60 minutes): 14.900.-HUF
Game 4 player (60 minutes): 17.900.- HUF
Game 5 player (60 minutes): 20.900.- HUF
Game 6 player (60 minutes): 23.900.- HUF
Game 2 player (60 minutes): 11.900.- HUF
Game 3 player (60 minutes): 14.900.-HUF
Game 4 player (60 minutes): 17.900.- HUF
Game 5 player (60 minutes): 20.900.- HUF
Game 6 player (60 minutes): 23.900.- HUF
Game 2 player (60 minutes): 11.900.- HUF
Game 3 player (60 minutes): 14.900.-HUF
Game 4 player (60 minutes): 17.900.- HUF
Game 5 player (60 minutes): 20.900.- HUF
Game 6 player (60 minutes): 23.900.- HUF
Game 2 player (60 minutes): 11.900.- HUF
Game 3 player (60 minutes): 14.900.-HUF
Game 4 player (60 minutes): 17.900.- HUF
Game 5 player (60 minutes): 20.900.- HUF
Game 6 player (60 minutes): 23.900.- HUF
The Logic Arena thinks of the students and family as well! Everyone deserves a little relaxation!
What could be better than a program where you can solve puzzles, unlock locks and get out of the play area together?
Our family-friendly escape rooms are perfect for students, because in the rooms it isn’t dark and we don’t scare you during the game. Moreover we give 20% discount for those teams where at least half of the team have a valid student ID card.
(can not be combined with other discounts)
Are you considering to ask the lady of your heart for a long time?Would you like a special, dreamlike, unforgettable proposal? We provide it for you! Just think about it: codes, team-building exercise are perfect moments together! She did not even suspect what you’re up and under time pressure suddenly there is the ring and the “big question”… We offer custom ideas and creativity for everyone! We would like to do everything for you to have one of the happiest day of your life here, in the Logic Arena!
The proposal, the engagement is done. Ready for the wedding! But before that you need a little entertainment with the girls, boys! What would be finer than a escape before the wedding? To ensure an unforgettable atmosphere, certainly we undertake the organization of all “plus” idea too! 🙂
(can not be combined with other discounts)
– You can pay in cash before the game.
– By banktransfer: transfer the amount due to the following account: Gulyás Vivien E.V. – K&H 10401196-50527072-50541009 . Please indicate the booking ID in the announcement.
– With the “Szép” card (K&H – OTP – MKB – EDENRED)
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